Where preservation, restoration and continued use of all Austin A40, and other Austin or BMC motor vehicle is our life.

Renew A Club Permit

You must be a current financial member of the club to have your permit renewed.

The following is a SUMMARY of the information on the VicRoad website.

CLICK HERE for full information.

It is your responsibility to understand your obligations under the Club Permit Scheme

A Club Permit renewal notice will be mailed to you five to six weeks before expiry.

Step 1: Organise for your renewal notice to be signed by one the following authorised office bearers:

  • Andrea Casabene – Membership Officer
  • Peter Wright – President

If you’re unable to organise for your renewal notice to be signed by an authorised office bearer, request a Club Permit Endorsement Form be emailed to you instead.

Submit your request using the form below.  

Step 2: Sign your Club Permit Renewal Notice

A copy of the nenewal notice myst be provided to the authorised officer at the time of being signed

Step 3: Submit your renewal (and signed Club Permit endorsement form if required) and pay the renewal fee either:

  1. Online via your myVicRoads account
  2. Visiting any VicRoads Customer Service Centre
  3. Mailing the renewal with a cheque or money order to:


GPO Box 1644


A Club Permit will be cancelled if not renewed within 90 days of expiry date

Step 4: Email or text a photo of the approved Club Permit to the Club Membership Officer

Club Permit Scheme Enquiry

Town, State, Country

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